Circles Decoration


Documents, Detailed approaches and methodologies, Policy recommendations and other public results

Here are the public results of our activities and work. Feel free to download, and to reach out to us for collaboration or any questions. We are happy to develop further on our achievements!


Deliverable 3.3 - Report on co-creation of knowledge

This deliverable analyses the results of the discovery, discussion, formulation and ranking of a list of actions to address barriers, gaps and locate opportunities in relation to the impact of [...]

Deliverable 2.3 - Report on the consolidated stakeholder forum

The report provides a summary of the activities and outcomes of the project Stakeholder Forum and Living Hub.

Magazine- Shaping the Skills Needed for the Future of Automated Mobility

The Magazine Horizon Futures Watch dives into the WE-TRANSFORM project.

Deliverable 2.1 - Report of the stakeholder forum establishment

This deliverable describes the actions to engage in this participatory approach all concerned stakeholders through the Stakeholder Forum and Living Hub.

Deliverable 2.2 - Methodology and knowledge creation tools

The deliverable will report the methodological toolkit to be adopted by all the thematic groups in the cross-national living hubs. This includes the methods to share and create knowledge and [...]

Deliverable 3.2 - Analysis of workforce barriers, needs, skills, and challenges

This deliverable analyses barriers, gaps, opportunities, benchmarks, and success and failure factors related to transport automation and its impact on the workforce based on literature review, data [...]

Deliverable 3.1 - Report of actions and initiatives related to transport automation and other transitions

The deliverable provides an outline a comprehensive list of research projects and initiatives related to automation in the transport and selected other sectors. A similar list has been devised for [...]

WE-TRANSFORM Thematic Areas

A set of Thematic Areas has been defined to provide structure and focus for the Living Hub processes. They enable an exploratory study, raising awareness on the topics' relevance, and encouraging [...]

Publications about WE-TRANSFORM

Interested in reading how others talk about WE-TRANSFORM? Check out these articles in different European languages!


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